Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter Youth Retreat has been Rescheduled!

IgeekGod. Doyou?

The Presbytery of Des Moines invites youth (grades 6-12) and leaders to a Winter Youth Retreat Feb. 5-6, 2010 at Union Park Presbyterian Church, 1307 Thompson Ave., Des Moines, IA 50316.

The Winter Youth Retreat will include group activities and social time for the youth starting Friday evening at 7 p.m. On Saturday, we’ll be tubing and sledding at Sleepy Hollow Sports Park, 4051 Dean Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317. Kids can be picked up at Sleepy Hollow at 2 p.m. Cost is $30 per person. Youth participants must have their parents signature on the liability release form in order to participate. Saturday’s breakfast and lunch are included.

Who will be there?
6th-12th graders, youth leaders and pastors, others by arrangement only.

When does it happen?
Friday, February 5th – 7 p.m. Registration
Saturday, February 6th – 2 p.m. Close

Where is it?
Union Park Presbyterian Church
1307 Thompson Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50316

Don’t bring:
Valuables including: electronic devices, rollerblades, skateboards, personal stereos, alcohol or drugs.

Things to bring:
  • Sleeping bag/Pillow

  • Toiletries including toothbrush/toothpaste, etc.

  • Coat/Hat/Gloves

  • Snowpants/long underwear

  • Flashlight

  • A change of clothes or dress in layers

  • Snacks/beverages to share

  • Bible

  • Registration/Permission Form

  • Liability Release Wavier
Registration forms:
Participants must complete the registration/permission form and the liability release wavier prior to the event. These can be downloaded online. Send completed forms to:

Dennis Britson, Moderator
1110 E. 6th St. #12
Des Moines, IA 50316

Scholarships are available!
A limited number of $15 scholarships are available on a first-come first-served basis. Please note on your registration form if you are in need.

Note to leaders…

If you are sending in registrations for a group, or are planning to bring registrations to the retreat, please let Dennis Britson know the number of participants so the proper quantity of materials can be ordered.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monroe Church Helps Warm Students

Through an interesting set of twists and turns, people from Monroe Presbyterian Church learned that the Mitchellville Elementary School has a rate of 60% of students on free and reduced lunch. This fall, Principal Joe Nelson sent out a notice asking if any child needed outerwear for the season. The response was amazing to the invitation to receive warm weather clothing. The distance from Monroe and Mitchellville is short, yet the knowledge of this need was news to the Monroe church members.

Monroe, with a population of about 1,800, and Mitchellville, with a population of 1,700, are approximately 20 miles apart. Both are within the bounds of Des Moines Presbytery and located less than 50 miles east of the city.

On Sunday, Dec. 13, the Sunday School kids did their annual Christmas program. It is a custom to receive a special offering during this service with the funds going to a family or a cause. This year the Christian Education Committee supported having the Mitchellville Elementary Clothing Fund as the recipient of our offering.

Principal Nelson presented a moment for mission on Sunday, Dec. 6 as a part of making the congregation aware of the need in this near-by community. In addition to the monetary offering, members and friends of the church gathered hats, scarves, mittens, other head gear as well as some coats and other warm weather gear.

On Friday morning, Dec. 18, the delivery of the items took place along with a check for just under $300 for the clothing fund. Principal Joe Nelson thanked us profusely for the gifts and told us an amazing fact, “By 3:30 p.m. today, all of these hats, scarves, and mittens will be gone. For some of these kids, this will be one of the few Christmas gifts they receive.” Nelson went on to explain they don’t have any storage for these winter items as there isn’t a need to store them. The items are immediately used.