Monday, June 23, 2008


I can't believe I know how the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission works!

Monday was the first full day of committee meetings. Commissioners are randomly assigned to the various committees and I'm a member of Committee 14: Review of Permanent General Assembly Committees--not something I knew a lot about before today.

Of my 44 fellow committee members, 8 are YADs and one is a Theological Student Advisory Delegate. There have been a few observers sitting in on the proceedings as well. Most of us are learning a lot as we prepare to write our report.

There are 17 different committees meeting in the Convention Center and hotel conference rooms. Overtures and resolutions are considered and votes are taken so actions can be recommended to the General Assembly. Some committees will work into the night tomorrow to finish all of their deliberations and make all of their decisions. The dedication of these Presbyterians is amazing.

I'll be experiencing committee work from a different perspective in the morning. Along with a commissioner from Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery, I submitted a Commissioner's Resolution: On Mobilizing Presbyterians for a Significant Response to the Global Food Crisis. The resolution was referred to the Peacemaking and International Issues Committee, so we will have a few minutes on Tuesday to make our case. What an experience that will be--I might have said "unbelievable" before this week!

Nancy Lister-Settle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is awesome!!:

"Along with a commissioner from Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery, I submitted a Commissioner's Resolution: On Mobilizing Presbyterians for a Significant Response to the Global Food Crisis."

Keep up the wonderful work!