Thursday, June 5, 2008

Free Health Screenings for Public: Mobile van brings health ministry to Des Moines!

The Presbytery of Des Moines is hosting Health Mission on the Move. There will be free health screenings available to the public Sunday, June 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cottage Grove Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1050 24th St., Des Moines.

Congregations interested in this type of health ministries and outreach are invited to see and experience a tour of the mobile unit while it is in the area. The unit and staff are traveling along Interstate 80 on the way to the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s 218th General Assembly in San José, CA.

A Project of the National Health Ministries — Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry Area of the PC(USA), the Health Mission on the Move mobile health education unit provides health education resources and congregational program models and arranges for the involvement of local health services and providers.

Located in the heart of Iowa, the Presbytery of Des Moines spans the state from Sigourney in the east to Atlantic in the west, and from Perry south to the Iowa-Missouri border. Rolling hills, rich farmland, welcoming small towns and bustling cities define the region, known nationwide for its extensive agribusiness and insurance industries, quality education, and honest, hard-working residents. At the crossroads of two major interstate highways, I-35 and I-80, the presbytery office is located in Iowa’s capital city of Des Moines, facilitating travel to the presbytery’s 64 churches. Ranging in size from 20 members to 1,800 members, the congregations combined represent a total of 9,823 Presbyterians. The Des Moines Presbytery, offers unique opportunities for leadership and fellowship found in the heart of Iowa. To learn more, go to our website at:

1 comment:

The Presbytery of Des Moines said...

Be a part of Health Mission on the Move!
Volunteers are needed for 2-hour time-slots to help provide services.
Contact Darlene Shepherd, 641-673-5793, or the Presbytery Office, 515-276-4991, to get signed up for the one-day event.