On Saturday, I attended "Riverside Conversations" on the report of the committee on Civil Unions and Marriage to have a background for their work before attending our committee and work there. Also attended the opening General Assembly Penary session and the evening meeting for the GA Moderator election. Finally ended up back to my room at 12:30 p.m. after a celebration reception.
Following Worship and Communion on Sunday morning from 10 a.m. to Noon for the entire assembly, I attended Committee meetings until 4:30 p.m. The Fourth of July was celebrated by busing everyone to Nicollet Island for "Meet the Moderator", a picnic and fireworks. (See pictures from the celebration.)
Monday morning was open public hearings of all committees. I was asked to speak at the Polity Committee supporting two overtures relative to GAPJC giving binding Authoritative Interpretations (AIs) following judication of a partaicular case. Overtures would ask that only the General Assembly could approve such "AI's". Committee members expressed
[Photo: The Social Justice Committee A, is hearing support for a resolution on usury, the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates. At the podium is Rev. Burns Stanfield (son of Paul Stanfield, DM-Knox United) from the Presbytery of Boston.]
Overall, I must say that the GA experience is one I would recommend to all interested in our churches future and growth. There is a great need for voices from all people of the church.
Ted Coppock, GA Overture Advocate
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Des Moines
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