If you look to the right on the top black bar on the home page, you will also find headers that lead you to four additional pages.
- The “Assistance” page advises families of the appropriate paperwork and documentation they need to bring to the CROSS office if they are seeking financial assistance for rent, rent deposits, mortgage or utility payments.
- The “What’s New” page shares current information on volunteers and other events in the life and work of CROSS Ministries.
- The “School Supplies” page gives an overview of our Annual Back to School Giveaway event.
- Last but not least, is the “Donations” page listing items that we need to fill our personal hygiene pantry or for the Back to School Giveaway. This page also offers a new opportunity for donating to CROSS. Simply click on the “donate” button so that you may use your credit card or even a PayPal account for a simpler, faster method of donating. We will send you an email “thank you” shortly thereafter as well as a year-end statement of your donations next January for tax purposes.
The work of CROSS Ministries, supported by the Presbytery of Des Moines, makes a difference in the lives of “the least of these.” We want to share that exciting ministry with you and this is just one more avenue to do so. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Roberta Victor,
Executive Director
CROSS Ministries
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