“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” ~Matthew 25:40 On Saturday, April 9, 2011, at the First Presbyterian Church, 1204 13th St. in Dallas Center, IA 50063 the Des Moines Presbytery's PW Gathering will be held. Guest speaker is Dr. Roberta Victor of CROSS Ministries. Worship and Holy Communion will be lead by Rev. Julie Sterling. Activities include a Street Fair with church mission displays available. Don’t forget to bring your Birthday Offering! Plus the offering of the day will go to CROSS Ministries. Don Justo Coffee from El Salvador, Egyptian Scarves and other items will be available for sale. Bring money to spend! Lunch cost is $6. So make your reservations by April 2, to PW Moderator Rev. Linda O’Connell, 641-203-3660. See you on the Streets!