Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Presbytery of Des Moines and the Transformation Team invite all pastors, commissioners and committee members, to the Downtown Marriott in Des Moines for the November 9th Presbytery Meeting. We’ll meet from 2-7:30 p.m., including a dinner catered by the hotel. Afterwards, you’re invited to stay overnight at the Marriott at the special rate of $25. You can relax, enjoy the amenities, and attend two workshops. Five workshops will be offered Tuesday night from 8-9:30 p.m. and four on Wednesday morning, from 9-10:45 a.m. You can sign up for two workshops at registration time.

These 4 workshops are repeated both sessions: Praying Your Church Alive with Rev. Dale O’Connell; Creative Worship with Rev. Suzanne Gorhau; In a Fog about nFOG? with Elder Maurice Dyer; Empowering Leadership with Rev. Jim Howland.

This workshop is only available the Tuesday evening session (8-9:30 p.m.): Remembering Who and Where You are: Maintaining Privacy, Boundaries and Confidentiality in Parish Ministry with Rev. Jeffery Means. This facilitated group will provide an opportunity pastors’ spouses to get acquainted, to offer one another support and encouragement, as well as share ideas gleaned from experience.

A reservation form is available online. Send a copy of the completed form with payment made payable to the Presbytery of Des Moines, 2400 86th St., Ste. 20, Urbandale, IA 50322-4306. When we receive your form and money, you will be registered for the room and/or meal. Things to do:
  1. Complete a registration form for EACH PERSON eating dinner, staying overnight, or attending workshops.
  2. ROOMS: Send reservation form with payment to the Presbytery of Des Moines, 2400 86th St., Ste. 20, Urbandale, IA 50322-4306 by OCTOBER 19th. DO NOT call the Marriott. There will be 30 rooms available at the special rate of $25 (normally $124 + tax). The first 30 reservation forms with payment received will get the special rate.
  3. MEALS: Since the meal will be catered by the Marriott, EVERYONE who will have dinner at the Presbytery meeting will need to send in a reservation form with payment of $5.00 by NOVEMBER 4th.

It is the hope of the Transformation Team to prepare your heart and mind for the busy seasons of Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Youth Retreat to Feature Lock-In Activity at Tokens

The Des Moines Presbytery’s Annual Fall Youth Retreat will be held Oct. 29-30, 2010, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1025 28th St., West Des Moines. Be A Hero: Living Like Jesus is for youth (6th-12th graders), Christian education directors and youth leaders; others by arrangement only. Cost is $30 and includes food, lodging, Tokens Family Fun Center lock-in and t-shirt. Scholarships are available. Please make note on your registration form if you could use one!

Registration and permission/medical treatment forms are available online or contact your church youth leader or pastor. All forms and checks made payable to the Presbytery of Des Moines, must be sent in no later than Oct. 25, to: Dennis Britson, Registrar, Be A Hero: Living Like Jesus – 2010 Fall Youth Retreat, 1110 E. 6th St. #12, Des Moines, IA 50316, (H) 515-282-9139 or (M) 515-988-1360,

Leaders note: If you are registering a group, or are planning to bring registrations to the retreat, call and let Dennis Britson know the names and t-shirt sizes of participants so food and Be A Hero materials can be ordered.

Friday, October 1, 2010

PC(USA)’s Peacemaking Program sends International Peacemaker to Des Moines! Please be our guests!

You are invited to a Dialogue with Peacemaker Hilary Rantisi on Saturday, October 2, 6 p.m., at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4114 Allison Avenue, Des Moines. Enjoy a Middle Eastern meal catered by Open Sesame; learn from Hilary Rantisi: The Hands of Peacemaking in Palestine-Israel. Palestinian handcrafts and olive oil will be available for purchase. Please be our guests! Sponsored by the Social Ministries Task Force of the Presbytery of Des Moines. Call the Presbytery of Des Moines at 515-276-4991 for your dinner reservation. (Your free will offering to “Presbyterian Peacemaking Program” is welcome.)
Hunger Action Enabler Nancy Lister-Settle has this to say about Hilary’s upcoming visit, “We are so privileged to have someone of Hilary’s stature here in the presbytery – and are REALLY hoping for a good turnout for the special Westminster dinner and dialogue and the Central worship service and brunch.”

Or come on Sunday, October 3, at 10:15 a.m. (World Communion Sunday) to Central Presbyterian Church, 3829 Grand Avenue, Des Moines. Our International Peacemaker will take part in worship, then join Hilary Rantisi for brunch and dialogue following worship.
Hilary Rantisi is a Palestinian Christian who was born in Jerusalem and grew up in Ramallah, West Bank. In 2001 Hilary moved to the US and is currently working as the Director of the Middle East Initiative at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Prior to moving to the US, Ms. Rantisi's previous work was with civil society organizations in Israel-Palestine and focused on religion, politics, and grassroots mobilization efforts in Jerusalem. She has co-edited a book Our Story: The Palestinians in 1999 with Rev. Naim Ateek, and a number of other journal articles. She has served as International Peacemaker with PC(USA) several times and her message is that of integrating principles of Christian peacemaking with situations of conflict.
International Peacemakers are leaders who are engaged in peacemaking in their own areas of the world. They are invited by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to visit with Presbyterians in the United States and to help us understand the peace and justice concerns of others around the world. International Peacemakers help Presbyterians broaden their view of the world, deepen their understanding of peace and justice issues in our own communities, and faithfully follow Jesus in ministries extending compassion, seeking peace, and doing justice. Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, PC(USA).