“I had the opportunity to meet with a young man from the community where our sister parish is located in San Francisco, El Salvador. He and a group of young members had come to a meeting being held in the newly constructed church and were there to make a request of the team from Westminster. He introduced himself as Niwman Oswaldo Cruz Hernandez and told the gathering that one year ago he and 12 other adolescents came together to create an official youth group of the church of San Francisco and that today, one year later, that group had doubled in size to 26 members. Niwman went on to tell us that while the group has no formal budget, this year they would like to host two events at the church, inviting youth from neighboring churches to come to San Francisco in order to build relationships and network with other youth groups in the area.
"The request was made for $350 that would last them one year and allow them to host two events. In response to the need, the Westminster Senior Highs have agreed to donate $350 of the funds raised from their 2009 Christmas Wreath sales to the San Francisco youth group. A letter and photograph of the Senior Highs will be sent to the youth group in El Salvador along with the funds.
"Because of the continuous support the Westminster congregation has show their youth, they too are able to do mission for other youth groups, even across the world.”