Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mission Dollar Challenge Consultation is Oct. 27

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The Stewardship and Mission Interpretation and the Budget and Finance committees are looking into rescheduling this event.

On Tuesday, Oct. 27, church session members are invited to attend the Mission Dollar Challenge Consultation 2010, from 1-4 p.m. at St. Paul Presbyterian Church, 6426 Merle Hay Rd., Johnston. This workshop is sponsored by the Stewardship and Mission Interpretation and the Budget and Finance committees of the Des Moines Presbytery.

For many congregations, financial support has been limited by a current income situation affected by the economy, increased pension dues, higher operating costs and rapidly aging buildings in need of repairs. Our committees believe that the condition has not prevented a great deal of mission from being done locally that the presbytery as a whole has not been made aware. We are asking you to come to the consultation prepared to share the outreach mission of your congregation with session members of other churches in the presbytery. We also want to provide an opportunity for us to be challenged in our giving locally and globally.

Churches are asked to send 1-2 session members and have them bring the 2008/2009 church annual budgets. Participants will return prepared to help sessions set goals for funding 2010 mission work of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). To RSVP, contact the Presbytery Office, 515-276-4991.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Presbytery PW Fall Gatherings set for Oct. 16 & 17

The Friday, Oct. 16 Gathering will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Audubon and the Saturday, Oct. 17 Gathering will be held at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Des Moines. Beginning at 9 a.m. each day with fellowship and the program Wonder of God’s Word with the Rev. Linda O’Connell and the 2009-2010 HORIZONS Bible Study Joshua: A Journey of Faith.

Afternoon workshops include: Wonder of MissionColumbia Accompaniment with Paul Walther at the Audubon church. Or Wonder of MissionEl Salvador with Betty Dyer, at Highland Park church.

Other workshops offered at both locations are: Wonder of Discipleship with Moderator Linda O’Connell, Historian Pat Summers, and Treasurer Angie Williams or Wonder of Presbyterian Women – A Report on the Churchwide Gathering by PW Correspondent Emily Seeger.

The worship offering will go towards CROSS Ministries and a local mission at each location. Local mission shower gift needs include: Audubon – the Women’s Crisis Center (personal hygiene items) and Highland Park – the Heart and Hand Mission (items for infants and medical supplies).

Lunch at both locations is $5 and reservations are due October 12. To make your reservations:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Registration is Open for Healthy Congregations Workshops


How do we keep pastors and churches in a healthy relationship? What are the signs of an anxious system? What do we do if/when trouble comes? The Rev. Dr. Peter Steinke will be on hand for two days at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, 4126 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines, Oct. 18 & 19, 2009.

Sponsored by the Presbytery of Des Moines' Professional Care and Development Committee with support from Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center, each day’s workshop will provide a primer on understanding the congregation as an emotional system within the basic concepts of Bowen Theory (family systems theory).

Both sessions will be held at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, 4126 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines. For more information or to register, contact the Des Moines Presbytery at 515-276-4991 or

Dr. Steinke is the original designer of the Healthy Congregations concept and author of numerous books on the topic. He is an internationally respected congregational systems consultant who has also served as a parish pastor, an educator, and a therapist for clergy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Presbytery Hosts Indonesia Mission Co-Worker
Oct. 2-9

During October 2-9, 2009, our presbytery will host Prof. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta director of ICRS-Yogya (Idonesian Consortium for Religious Studies) Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta in Indonesia. You can read more about him in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2009 Mission Yearbook, pages 113-115.

There are still open dates/times for a visit with your church members. To schedule, contact the Rev. Nathan Lamb of Community United Presbyterian Church in Hartford at 515-989-3426 or

Bernie’s schedule so far includes:
  • Sunday, Oct. 4, 9 & 11 a.m., Worship services at Ankeny Presbyterian Church
  • Sunday, Oct. 4, 5 p.m., World Communion service by the South Central Regional Partnership hosted at the Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Indianola. A potluck dinner will follow. The Des Moines Presbytery churches are invited to attend.
  • Monday, Oct. 5, 3 p.m., Des Moines Area Religious Council is inviting members of the Christian, Muslem, and Jewish communities to meet with Bernie for discussion. (DMARC Office, 3816 36th St., Ste. 202, Des Moines, IA 50310.)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Lectionary Study Group, at Presbytery Office, Urbandale.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 7, 12:30-2p.m., Retired Pastor's Luncheon, at Calvin Community, Des Moines.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2-7 p.m., discussion/worship, at Community United Presbyterian Church, Hartford.
  • Thursday, Oct. 8, Men’s morning Bible Study, at United Presbyterian Church, Allerton.
  • Friday, Oct. 9, Travel to Iowa City to begin next Mission Challenge visit with East Iowa Presbytery, Oct. 9-16.