Monday, November 17, 2008

Attend Final Lunch & Learn for 2008

The final Presbytery Lunch & Learn session in the 2008 series is on New Media: Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis and more. We'll meet this Thursday, November 20 at Noon for an hour to help you learn more about these different tools that are available on the Internet and most are free. Also, we'll take a look at those of us currently using these as a way to spread the Good News. If you are interested in these online tools or currently are using them to grow your church, then this session is for you!

Also, come early and we'll take a quick survey on what topics you'd like to see for 2009. Or comment below your topics of interest you'd like to see on the slate for our 2009 sessions.

The lunch & learn meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at the Presbytery office, 2400 86th St., Suite 20, Urbandale, IA. (We are located behind Perkins on the corner of 86th and Hickman in the Westview business complex.)

Reminder: Don't forget to bring your sack lunch. There is a microwave and refrigerate available; beverages are provided.

Oh, and don't forget to mark your calendars for the 2009 Lunch & Learn dates (the 3rd Thursday of each month, except January):

  • January 22
  • February 19
  • March 19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 18
  • July 16
  • August 20
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Youth are Invited to Fall Retreat

Have you ever attended the Presbytery's annual Fall Youth Retreat? This is a two-day event, where 9th - 12th graders and their leaders gather to learn and experience living a life like Christ.

This year's event will be held November 21-22, 2008, at The Jericho Hills Camp in Lucas, Iowa. The theme for the retreat, A Quest of Faith, is based on The Lord of the Rings Trilogoy.

The trilogy is a moral fantasy pitting good against evil in a world where Wizards are the stewards of mankind, Ents shepherd forests, Dwarves mine mountains, Elves preserve beauty, and Orcs, Trolls, and Uruk-hai serve a dark master. The three-part epic shows darkness battling light, evil struggling against good, pride fighting humility, and despair wrestling hope.

This retreat will help us discuss some of the deeper themes of the movies. What does this film say about the struggle for virtue, the temptations of power, the providence of God, and the power of story? Join our young people from 64 churches of the Des Moines Presbytery for a faith-energizing retreat and a chance to enjoy, play hard, and work out a quest for yourself as a follower of Jesus!

Promotional materials are now online. To learn more, see our brochure/flier for details. A registration/permission form can be downloaded online and sent to the Presbytery Registrar. Also, those needing help with finances can apply for a scholarship. The application is online.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

“Remember, Rejoice, Renew”

Johnston, Iowa – The next Presbytery of Des Moines meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 11, 2008, at the St. Paul Presbyterian Church, 6426 Merle Hay Road in Johnston. Registration is from 1-2 p.m., with the meeting to convene at 2 p.m. Dinner will be at 5 p.m. followed by worship and a special 165th anniversary celebration at 6 p.m. To make a reservation for the meal, contact St. Paul's office at 515-276-2818.

For more information, contact Betty Dyer at the Presbytery of Des Moines office at 515-276-4991. Or go online to learn more about the Presbytery of Des Moines.

Located in the heart of Iowa, the Presbytery of Des Moines spans the state from Sigourney in the east to Atlantic in the west, and from Perry south to the Iowa-Missouri border. Rolling hills, rich farmland, welcoming small towns and bustling cities define the region, known nationwide for its extensive agribusiness and insurance industries, quality education, and honest, hard-working residents. Concerts, museums, sporting events, bike trails, and more than a dozen institutions of higher learning all serve to enhance the quality of life in south central Iowa.

At the crossroads of two major interstate highways, I-35 and I-80, the presbytery office is located in Iowa's capital city of Des Moines, facilitating travel to the presbytery's 64 churches. Ranging in size from 20 members to 1,400 members, the congregations combined represent a total of 10,000 Presbyterians. The Des Moines Presbytery, offers unique opprotunities for leadership and fellowship found in the heart of Iowa.