It seems a long way off, but I am writing to ask your help to make this a meaningful celebration. We are requesting that each congregation submit a one page synopsis of their church history or an antedote about themselves and the ministry they have been a part of in these 165 years.
It is our goal to have these collected by October 10 at the Presbytery office where they'll be complied and printed for everyone at the November Presbytery meeting. Please send your history or antedote to the Director of Communications Kim Coulter at pbycommunication@qwestoffice.net or 515-276-4991.
We would also like to have a Presbytery-wide choir to celebrate our anniversary for the worship service. If you have members of your church choir who would be interested in participating, please contact me, Emily Seeger at seeger@q.com or 712 243-4519.
Thank you for your time and efforts to make this a celebration to remember!
In Christ,
Emily Seeger (First United Presbyterian Church, Atlantic)
Emily Seeger (First United Presbyterian Church, Atlantic)